Show It and Support It : Screen Casting tools for everyone

Here’s an article that was originally promised to FoxPro Advisor but they turned it down as it wasn’t FoxPro-enough. Enjoy…

As many third party vendors will tell you, building the product is only half the battle. The next part, getting people to use it, can be just as tricky. This isn’t just a “vendor” issue either. Almost every application being put into production in any organization faces an uphill battle towards adoption. This is where all the great features you’ve spent months building help to get users excited about using it. But what good are features if your users don’t know about them?

It used to be that building a self-running video or demonstration of software required a great deal of expertise and money, hiring a production company who did the work in their own studio. Today, developers and trainers are building these “screencasts” themselves and in this article I’ll go through several options that are available to you.

Show It and Support It : Screen Casting tools

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